Sourdough in Europe
Position Paper
FEDIMA issued an updated position paper on Sourdough in Europe
Past, Present and Future - FEDIMA 50th Anniversary event
On 27 June 2019, the European bakery and pastry ingredients federation, FEDIMA, celebrated its 50th Anniversary in Brussels.
50th anniversary of FEDIMA - Press release
As today is the 50th anniversary of FEDIMA, the Federation of European Manufacturers and Suppliers of Ingredients to the Bakery, Confectionery and Patisserie Industries, we would like to share with you our press release. For the occasion, we organise an event on 27 June in Brussels – Should you be interested in covering this event, please register here.
AMFEP - FEDIMA Webinars on the Safe Handling of Enzymes in the Bakery Sector
FEDIMA, the Federation of European Manufacturers and Suppliers of Ingredients to the Bakery, Confectionery and Patisseries Industries, and AMFEP, the Association of Manufacturers and Formulators of Enzyme developed a series of webinars to present the Guidelines on the Safe Handling of Enzymes in the Bakery Sector jointly developed in 2018. The webinars took place in October and November 2019, and the recordings are available for download.
AFES poster on Handling and Working with Enzyme Containing Ingredients in the Bakery Sector
FEDIMA and AMFEP (Association of Manufacturers and Formulators of Enzyme Products) published industry guidelines on the safe handling of enzymes in the bakery supply chain. Now the AFES Working group produced a poster that can be used to inform the factory employees about the safe practices.
The poster provides recommendations to help safeguard the health of the workers in the baking industry and is available for download in several languages:
English, Danish, Dutch, French, Finnish, German, Greek, Italian , Polish, Romanian, Russian, Spanish, Turkish
Occupational Exposure Limit proposals for fungal alpha-amylase in The Netherlands
Position Paper
Fedima and AMFEP (Association of Manufacturers and Formulators of Enzyme Products) co-developed a position paper in 2018 on Occupational Exposure Limit (OEL) Proposals for Fungal Alpha-amylase in the Netherlands. In the paper the associations try to explain that the OEL proposal of 60 ng/m3 meets the basic science-based requirements for establishing an OEL where workers’ risk is well managed, and it is already showing its feasibility throughout EU in terms of a DMEL value. Hence AMFEP and FEDIMA strongly propose that this limit is also adopted as the OEL for fungal alpha-amylase in the Netherlands.
Allergen labelling
Position Paper
Fedima developed a position paper in 2018 on the Labelling of Allergens, in view of the EU Regulation 1169/2011 on the provision of food information to consumers (FIC). Fedima members commit to provide labelling information on allergenic ingredients and substances according to this regulation, as well as to provide information on cross contamination risks in the production process. As a matter of policy, Fedima members will avoid “free from” claims except for products produced under a specific regime.
Industry Guidelines On the Safe Handling of Enzymes in the Bakery Supply Chain
Industry Guidelines
Fedima and AMFEP (Association of Manufacturers and Formulators of Enzyme Products) published industry guidelines on the safe handling of enzymes in the bakery supply chain. This guidance document provides the insights, best practices and tools to control dust exposure thus safeguarding the health of workers throughout the baking industry.
EU bread consumption has an essential role in a healthy and balanced diet across european consumers
Press Release
Bread-Initiative is an informal coalition that represents flour millers, craft and industrial bakers, bakery ingredients companies and yeast manufacturers. The main aim of the Bread-Initiative is to improve the image of bread. In this press release the members explore the benefits of bread and inform about the comprehensive study on bread consumption trends across Europe.
Sourdough in eu
Information Paper
In 2014 Fedima developed a position paper on Sourdough in Europe in which explains that sourdough production is a traditional bread making practice that has led to the development of specific bakery ingredients. In order to properly inform customers and consumers, Fedima members agreed on using the denomination “sourdough” only in specific instances which can be found in Annex I. of this document.
Status of release agents
Position Paper
In EU legislation, release agents are considered as processing aids. This 2014 paper outlines the legal status of release agents, their functionality in bakery wares, and their benefits of use. Fedima members express in the document, it should be stressed that the legislation has not changed the principles of the Directives.