Informed Customers & Consumers
Transparency on products and processes towards customers and consumers is one of Fedima’s main objectives, as consumers are becoming increasingly aware of what they eat. Product quality plays a vital role for today’s consumer. Our members aim to provide accurate technical information, instructions of use and product labelling to their customers.
Food Safety
Bakery products are foods consumed on a daily basis by all Europeans and hence largely contribute to their food intake. Since ages, bread constitutes a cornerstone of the diet. Alternatively, pastry, chocolate and confectionery are associated with the pleasure of eating.
Bakery sector promotion
In 2015, Fedima and other European trade associations active in the bakery supply created a roundtable to promote the consumption of bread in Europe called Bread Initiative. Participants are CEBP (the EU craft bakers), AIBI (the international association of plant bakers), COFALEC (the European yeast producers) and EFM (European flour millers).
Occupational Health and Safety
Europe has strong rules to protect the safety at the work place; most countries have regulatory requirements in place to protect the health and safety of employees. In every working environment employers are responsible for the protection of the health of their employees.