The Fedima membership is presently comprised of 13 national associations representing the bakery, patisserie and confectionery ingredients’ manufacturers active in Europe.

Membership categories and criteria

The full membership in Fedima is open to the national associations representing the appropriate industry in Europe. The associate members are the national associations representing other countries.

The benefits of membership

  • Participation in meetings with decision makers and legislators.
  • Participating in meetings with all partners in the bakery chain to discuss the latest developments in food law and other common issues.
  • Being updated on the European developments and events relevant to our sector
  • Being represented at European level by professionals of the industry
  • Being part of the European legislative procedure

Fedima also offers its members

  • Tailor-made conferences
  • Position papers outlining Fedima’s position on a particular topic
  • Press releases about important policy issues
  • Internal Information Papers and Guidance Papers

Fedima also closely collaborates with other public and private organisations of the related industries, in order to increase impact of all actions through effective cooperation.

Our Members:

Verband der Backmittelindustrie (ARGE)

  • Austria

Union des Fabricants et Importateurs de Matières Premières pour la Boulangerie, Pâtisserie et Glacerie (UNIFA)

Syndicat National des Fabricants de Produits Intermédiaires pour Boulangerie, Pâtisserie et Biscuiterie (SYFAB)

Der Backzutatenverband (BZV)

Association of the Raw Materials and Improvers Companies for the Bakery and Confectionery Trades in Greece (FEDIMA HELLAS)

  • Greece

Gruppo Prodotti e semilavorati per Panificazione e Pasticceria dell’ Associazione Italiana dell’Industria Olearia (ASSITOL-AIBI)

Vereniging van Nederlandse Fabrikanten van Bakkerijgrondstoffen (NEBAFA)


  • Poland

Associaçao Nacional de Commerciantes e Industriais de Produtos Alimentares (ANCIPA)

FEDIMA Romania

Fedima España

Association of food ingredients & improvers manufacturers (GIDABIL)

Association of Bakery Ingredient Manufacturers (ABIM)